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Mosaic Floor Medallion Design Proposal

Orange County, Florida

Harmony Trail consists of twenty-one bright and colorful mosaic medallions inset into the cement sidewalks. The 21 medallions are divided up into seven sets of three. Each set represents images of the natural habitat surrounding the park. Harmony Trail is intended to be interactive by enticing the viewer to venture out on to the sprawling sidewalks to find each set of medallions, visually collecting the images. The art is somewhat of a scavenger hunt for the eye. I envision a visual key map at the entrance to the park, describing each element of nature depicted in the mosaics, encouraging the community to explore the new park and learn about the surrounding native plants and species.

5.Zebra Longwing Medallion set 5.jpg
3.Sandhill Crane Medallion set 3.jpg
4.Native Tarflower Medallion set 4.jpg
2.Spanish Needles Medallion set 2.jpg
7.Mockingbird Medallion Set 7.jpg
6.Leavenworth Medallion Set 6.jpg
1.Sun Moon and Stars Medallion set 1.jpg
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